About The Series

As a professional in the field of fertility and infertility, I wanted to create a book that introduced the basics of it all - the basics of life. Having the privilege of access to so much knowledge on the topic as well as a comfortable environment to discuss fertility in, I wanted to share that with everyone. After all, fertility and reproduction is such a fundamental and essential part of life! I hope to further expand my story collection to represent all of the pathways that can be taken to help you welcome your one in a million.

One in a Million

  • This story is the first of the series and follows egg and sperm through the most basic method of reproduction - spontaneous conception.

    With spontaneous conception the sperm makes its way from the male reproductive system to the female reproductive system where it then meets the egg. Once together, the sperm and egg make an embryo! This embryo is just th beginning of your little one’s journey. Read along to continue this journey all the way until birth.

An IUI Story

  • Diving deeper into the ways science can help achieve a pregnancy, this story follows the journeys of both egg and sperm through the procedure of an intrauterine insemination, or “IUI”.

    Sometimes sperm need a little extra help getting to the egg. In times like these doctors and scientists can lend a helping hand using a procedure called an “IUI”. During an IUI, sperm is collected from a male and washed in a laboratory. Only the best an fastest sperm are chosen then put into the female reproductive system where they can easily find the egg. Come along this journey through the lab and all the way to birth through this book, “One in a Million - An IUI Story”.

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